Beware the Digital Shadows: Unraveling the Menace of Cybercrime

Hosting the 1Click2CyberChaos podcast series for Story Studio Network (SSN) has been an incredible learning experience. The stories of cyber criminals and crimes being perpetrated are fascinating and unnerving. Did you know ransomware attacks on companies have become an industry? Analysts predict it will be worth 10.5 trillion by 2025. Firms are paying more than half a million dollars to the bad guys now, up from 100 thousand in 2021!

Hackers are picking off your data at an unprecedented rate, and its easy work for them because all they have to do is monitor the emails you send every day, the pic and videos you post to social media, and the information you give over the phone to the bot verifying your voice. It’s crazy! Advancements in technology, machine learning, and artificial intelligence are redefining the cyberattack field.

We’ve learned that there is no “one-and-done” solution. It all sounds overwhelming but the beauty of the 1Click2CyberChaos podcast is that I, along with you, are learning together. We break down the complexities into amazing stories we can relate to!


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