Are you a “naive enquirer?”

Do you have what it takes to be a “naive enquirer”?

Whether you sit on a board of directors or lead a team, this power skill is more critical now than ever. Emerging technology is exploding at a rapid pace and impacting every industry. Leaders must make the right decisions for their company, stakeholders, and employees based on the information at hand, and that information has become highly technical and complex.

Vulnerable leadership will take you far now. Having the quiet self-confidence to be the “naive enquirer” or, to describe it another way- be willing to check your ego at the door and ask the simple or "dumb questions." What's stopping you? Do others around the boardroom table or in the meeting expect you to know the latest in AI software, Quantum Computing, AR/VR, Blockchain, or Biometrics? One of the greatest skills of successful leaders is being humble. To acknowledge the limits of their understanding in a specific area. You are a tremendous asset if you seek to learn. Ask the questions that need to be asked for clarification and understanding. You must first understand the information before making the right decision. I'll tell you a secret: nine times out of ten, everyone around that boardroom table thinks of the same questions but is too afraid to ask.

This I learned during years of reporting. I would ask dumb questions during a news conference because if I didn't understand the content, my listeners would not either. It takes guts to go there, but it's worth it. Lead with quiet self-confidence and be the naïve enquirer. It will serve you well.!




I’m not done yet.


Beware the Digital Shadows: Unraveling the Menace of Cybercrime