I’m not done yet.
For the last 18 months, I’ve been taking care of business—my business. I now have an Executive Master of Business Administration EMBA. I specialized in Leading Innovation in Organizations. It took a lot of hard work, perseverance, grit, and determination.
These qualities are not just words; they are the fuel that drives us towards our goals. I loved every minute of it, and I’m not done yet.
While I spent my career in the radio broadcast business, and loved every minute of that, too! I always said I would finish my academic career if I had an opportunity. Well, three years ago, the opportunity presented itself. I won’t lie; friends and family asked why I would take this on at my age?!! <ahem> 😒
My response – why wouldn’t I? Why let anything slow you down if you are excited and passionate about constantly learning new things, opening up to new experiences, and bettering yourself?
There are too many takeaways, but I discovered in group and individual presentations a real need to apply storytelling skills. It is an art. Whether it’s a pitch to investors or a team meeting, being able to stand confidently in front of an audience and articulate compelling narratives that resonate is a skill to master. Two classmates became clients, and another became a mentee. We continue to partner together working on a shift into a growth mindset with confidence and purpose. I’m not done yet.
In today’s dynamic business landscape, an EMBA degree on your office wall is just the beginning. Continuous learning is the secret sauce that propels professionals toward excellence and relevance.
Continuous learning is the minimum requirement for success in any field~Brian Tracy #EMBA #ContinousLearning #InnovationLeadership #BusinessLeadership #Storytelling