Thinking outside the box–really?

Are you predicting the future with your leadership hires? Or living in the past?

When is the last time you took a chance on someone? That employee or (potential employee) who you know in your bones has “IT”!!  They are passionate about the work, committed to the company, forward thinking, curious, hardworking, and responsible. They have a magnetic personality that people gravitate too, are great communicators, and exude solid relationship building skills. The seeds of “executive presence” are there – BUT – and it's a big BUT- they don’t have the experience for the title.


Plenty has been written about the great resignation; companies in flux after employee turnover during the past two years.

The leadership candidate pipeline is empty.

Every type of company needs different types of leaders at different times.

Ask yourself what do you need in your company ……right now – five years from now - ten years from now?

Organizations right now, I would argue would be best served hiring or promoting young innovative leadership candidates who have a plan to grow the company as fast as the technologies that surround them.

The forward-thinking young Turks – who exhibit great POTENTIAL that will pay huge dividends in the years go to come. The traditional way of thinking is to promote or hire candidates with experience, and those who have been at the job so long, the belief is that they’ve “earned it”.

Granted that level of experience is not to be discounted, but as the boss YOU also bring years of experience to the table too. So, consider the incredible opportunity before you. A dynamic partnership- bringing together your experience, insight and wealth of knowledge and the inexperienced leadership candidate who has a vision and is eager to learn from you. That’s a win win in my books.

Ask yourself what’s the upside if I do this? What’s the downside?

Well, if you can see the potentional in this person--- you see that they have the necessary skills to succeed, then trust in that!!

There will be no downside --- because you are truly committed to setting them up for success.







Strength of character matters..


How has Ambiguity Served You?