Welcome new employees like you would welcome guests into your home


Has this ever happened to you?

You get the job! You are psyched! Pumped! Can’t wait to start at the company you have always wanted to work at … and then you arrive and after a horrible on-boarding process you were left thinking – “OMG what have I got myself into?”

If there is no clear on-boarding plan laid out by and executed by the leader then – having them second guess their decision to join your company is probably how they are feeling. Yikes! What a way to introduce your company to the new person whose skills and experience you have just acquired.

You wouldn’t nonchalantly interview and hire a prospective candidate for your business? So why would you then leave this poor soul twisting in the wind during their first day – heck their first week on the job?

Executing their arrival must be as important as making the decision to hire them in the first place.

Leadership means overseeing the ONBOARDING PLAN. It needs to include a meeting first with you to discuss your mission statement, so they know from day one what kind of workplace culture you have fostered and are proud of, meetings with members of the leadership team, training hours – or days – with tech and HR to get them set up and confident in the systems and processes needed to do the job.

If the first few days for them are built on a solid foundation, then you have set them up for success from day one. If not, they will likely “dine out” on the story of how they were greeted at the door for years to come. It’s no longer good enough to simply show the “new person” where the washroom is. Sheesh.


It’s Always About the Story!


The Journey