Why were you Hired?

If you are asking that question, there’s a problem.

Do you find yourself feeling disconnected from the goals and aspirations you set for yourself when you first took the role? Perhaps you feel your values are no longer aligned with that of the organizations? So why is that? You realize you are just going through the motions of the “job” without passion, enthusiasm, or rewards. Ugg. That’s not good.

So why were you hired? You were hired for your brilliance. You were hired for your expertise and vision. You were hired because your goals aligned with the organizations. You were hired because you wanted to be a part of the amazing team you lead every day. You were hired to foster a culture of excellence. So, if you are no longer doing all the things that light you up - what is it exactly that you ARE doing?

Probably like many leaders, you have allowed yourself to become bogged down in all the other stuff of “the job”. You are not particularly good at it; it eats up way too much of your valuable time and it is sucking the brilliance out of you.

You are wasting your time and the organizations.

The possible solutions lie within.

Get back to the part of the job that you are the best at!

Hire or delegate the other work to someone who is the best at that!

Surround yourself with people who are smarter and more skilled in other areas!

And have the courage to be a vulnerable leader. Many leaders come to this realization too late in the game. Just because you have the title doesn’t mean you are instantly “all things to all people”. Why do you think and let your team think that you are the “best” at everything? You are not the hero of the story. You hired people with individual skillsets and characteristics to compliment the team. Isn’t THAT your brilliance?




Don’t forget or neglect your stars…


What defines you?