Will I still know you in September?


Ah … the first full day of summer and the living is easy! This summer feels extra special, the world is emerging from the pandemic. There is a sense of hope, rebirth and rejuvenation, except for that bit of housekeeping that is gnawing away at you. Nothing major, just the fact that your leaders are burnt out, your employees are burnt out, and as a result the next normal looks messy for your company … real messy. The company culture feels … off.

Take a step back and ask yourself as a leader – am I a different person now? Of course, you are, and odds are your employees are too. How can a global crisis like the Covid19 pandemic not have had a lasting impact? Employees worked longer hours remotely, they have become used to more autonomy and are putting greater value on their personal and family time. Values shift.

Corporations are planning for some kind of return to the office in September – that reintegration work is underway. A successful, meaningful transition will require bosses to take the time to actually get to know their people again.


Great leadership