Are you an instrument of change?
“I’ll put you on my shoulders and help you reach into the future. “
I loved this saying when I heard it in class last night. A fellow student in the EMBA program was explaining the different aspects of change leadership. His father instilled in him the importance of leading others with a “better together” mindset. Having the courage to be an instrument of change. It’s a glorious thing this continuous learning life I’m leading. I am enrolled in the Executive Master of Business Administration program at the University of Fredericton and loving it!
It is a leadership/team performance stream that complements my business nicely. Some have questioned why I'm taking this on now. Someone else called it a "gutsy" move. Gutsy? Yup, that's about right. That's me. Take chances, learn, and grow! And now? Why not now? Who says you only have one path in life? When I was in university many years ago, sitting in a mass media course, I experienced the "ah ha" moment. RADIO??!! That's me. I couldn't finish up fast enough, get to college, learn the practical stuff, and start my career in broadcasting. I loved every minute of it, but I always thought that if I had the opportunity to return and continue with my studies I would. (@davetrafford, you may remember this conversation we had at Q107.)
Well, here I am. It's a lot of work but hugely rewarding. I'm incorporating new learnings into my projects with clients, collaborating with smart, successful people across Canada, and feeding my brain with all things "knowledge." This, too, is me. Who knows, perhaps a Ph.D. is next? (Just kidding!!!) 😊