Why is this happening?
Everything happens for a reason.
Believe in the universe.
Someone is watching over me.
Have you ever been in a situation where something major happened in your life, and when the event was over you were left thinking: that didn’t just happen, that happened for a reason! This was the universe, or the cosmos, or a higher power telling me something. Teaching me a lesson. I am no psychologist or guru, but I do believe in this stuff.
Recently I forgot an important part of a plan I was pursuing. I had conversations with a boss and mentor about the plan. I was preparing for my part in the plan. I chatted with friends about the plan. But through it all, I forgot to pull a very important lever that would have solidified the plan. Granted I was swamped with a pile of personal business work, was deep into current administrative work, and was working in groups on work that needed to be ready by fall. So, was I just too busy that I forgot this crucial element of “the plan”? I executed deadline driven, crucial decisions for more than a decade in the news business, I’ve been BUSY before and still managed to tick off all the important boxes that needed to be ticked. So, what happened here? I honestly don’t know.
But what I do know is the opportunity before me. There is no fixing the former plan. I tried, but that door has closed AND while I’m disappointed in myself for allowing it to happen, I’m not devastated. In fact, what I’ve come to learn about myself, and TRUST in, is what has happened before. Setbacks in my life have opened me up to breakthroughs. I trust in my feelings. I trust my gut instincts. There is a reason why I’m actually okay with what happened. Not mad. Not sad. Hopeful. What initially feels like failure often turns into opportunity. It’s another “falling up” experience.